User requirements (D2.2)

Work Package 2 (WP2 Institutional Liaison, Co-design and Users’ Uptake) of the SDGs-EYES project started the process of continuous engagement with stakeholders. This is the first deliverable of the co-design task of WP2. The objective of the task is to assess user...

Data management plan (D1.5)

Deliverable 1.5 – Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that aims at providing rigorous detailed information and guidelines about the way data is managed within the SDGs-EYES project. The DMP describes the data management procedures that will be implemented...

SDGs-EYES project handbook (D1.1)

The objective of this deliverable is to be the reference point for all the partners in SDGs-EYES project. This project handbook contains all the information related to the project management structure, tasks, responsibilities, procedures at all levels of project...