Who We Are

SDGs-EYES seeks to combine the science-informed (top-down) approach with a stakeholder-driven (bottom-up) approach to transfer scientific outcomes into easy-to-understand and easy-to-use actionable information in the context of SDG indicators’ assessment. Decision-making tools delivered by Pilots will be co-designed with users, to offer opportunities to regularly assess and refresh methodologies they adopt for monitoring and reporting.

The novelty of the project relies on the design and development of a scientific and technological framework to build robust, reliable and accurate indicators for climate, ocean and land SDGs (13,14,15), aggregating and processing Earth Observation (EO) – that includes satellite, in-situ, data analytics and numerical models’ data – provided by the Copernicus’s six core services and the space and in-situ components. 

SDGs-EYES methodology is based on a Pilot-driven approach for demonstration, evaluation and assessment and an agile development of the SDGs-EYES Copernicus-based Service, closely engaging stakeholders. Addressing the timely delivery of project objectives, SDGs-EYES Service will be developed by starting from the use cases selected in five Pilots [LINK TO THE PILOTS SECTION] and the consortium will adopt the use of agile methodology. 

The project planning adopts a cyclic/iterative approach for the service implementation and to engage with stakeholder communities and establish a continuous evaluation methodology.

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SDGs-EYES has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme for research and innovation under project number 101082311. | Legal | Credits