Aug 21, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
This report will include all the requirements emerged and identified during the first development cycle that has not be implemented for any reason (late to be implemented in the sprints of the development cycle, not data available, not enough resources, etc.) and any...
Jul 1, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
The “Communication and Dissemination Strategy 2” (D6.2) outlines the approach for disseminating and communicating the SDGs-EYES project to maximize its impact andstreamline external perception. This document collects the project overview in terms of...
Jul 1, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
This deliverable describes the communication and dissemination strategy for the SDGs-EYES project. The strategy serves as a guide to the communication and dissemination team and all project partners with their respective communication departments. Its primary purpose...
Jul 1, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
This deliverable describes the validation and assessment of the first implementation cycle of the five pilots composing the WP5 of SDGs-EYES, describing the activities performed in Task 5.3 “Pilot Demonstration, Validation and Assessment”. The validation has been...
Jul 1, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
This document is the second release of the report describing the elements needed to correctly design the Pilots of SDGs-EYES. Those requirements identified to feed the platform and tools’ design in WP4, building from science from WP3 and users’ feedback from WP2, are...
Jul 1, 2024 | Project Reports, Resources
This document is the first release of the report describing the elements needed to design the Pilots of SDGsEYES, in practice those requirements identified to start feeding the platform and tools’ design in WP4. After briefly recalling – as summarized from...