The SDGs-EYES project builds a portfolio of data products to facilitate monitoring of SDGs. Service products will be developed and evaluated with user communities in five pilot areas. In the coming months, consultation workshops will be organised to demonstrate the data products and collect feedback. The workshops will take place as in-person meetings in pilot areas or as online events.
The SDGs-EYES project maintains an agile methodology for the service development. This includes a process of co-design, where stakeholders are consulted for the design of the services. The first development phase is coming to an end, where user requirements collected from surveys are taken into account for the prototypes. The next step is the organisation of consultation workshops to demonstrate and evaluate data products with user communities. Based on this, the data products will be further developed and made fit for purpose. The workshops will be organised from May to July 2024 for each of the pilot themes:
- Forest fire emissions
- Health risk and extreme temperature in urban areas
- Eutrophication and acidification in marine ecosystems
- Forest cover changes and erosion
- Civil security and climate
The workshops will target a selected, representative participation of the user community with a potential interest in the prototype data. These include public bodies/administration, science and research, businesses and local communities across Europe and the Sahel region.