This deliverable aims to describe the workflows (in terms of rationale, data and algorithms) used by the Project to compute and provide the targeted SDG indicators. In this perspective, the deliverable can be considered a “guide”, providing both the scientific background and the technical information for interpreting the calculations performed within the Project. For this reason, the document is conceived taking as reference the “Datasets and Algorithms Theoretical Documentation” (ATDB) that often accompanies the Copernicus products.

According to the agile approach followed by the Project, the implemented workflows will be updated throughout the Project duration, in line with the feedback provided by the users (this is the bottom-up perspective of the Project) as well as by the scientific findings evidenced by the Work Package 3 “SDG indicators’ development and evaluation” (henceforth labelled as “WP3”; this is the top-down perspective of the Project). For this reason, two different versions of the ATDB document will be provided, one in the first
part of the Project (“version 1”) and one in the last part (“version 2”). Accordingly, these two versions are expected to contain, for each indicator, a preliminary and a consolidated workflow. This document (henceforth labelled as “D3.1”) contains the direct findings of WP3. In particular, it regards the activity of Task 3.1, “Scouting of data and algorithm”, which is the only active task until M4. However, when needed, it also accounts for information collected within WP2 “Institutional Liaison, Co-design and Users’ Uptake” and WP5 “Cross-domain Pilots” concerning the requirements expressed by both the Pilots and the users, in terms of e.g. data, coverage and resolutions enabling the use of Copernicus services and products to enhance the estimation and monitoring of the SDG indicators. In other words, D3.1 is also expected to show how and to what extent the workflows provided by the Project constitute an improvement with respect to current conditions.

In case you are interested to learn more about the report, please contact us.