GHG emissions from fire

Cosenza province (IT)


Net Green-house Gas emissions from the LULUCF sector (ESS code: 13_21)

Close UN indicator: 13.2.2

Copernicus components



To increase the accuracy and completeness of fire emissions calculations from forest lands for three main GHGs (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) by exploiting Copernicus, improving the spatio-temporal detail of burnt areas and vegetation type/status.

Expected results:

Copernicus-based tool producing maps of the SDG indicator for the province of Cosenza. The maps will be available through the SDGs-EYES Service to allow geospatial analysis (e.g. statistics, temporal aggregation) and embed it in the emission inventories.

SDGs-EYES partners:


  • “Carabinieri Forestali” (Italian State Forestry Corps) which can implement new ways to collect data on burnt areas and biomass
  • Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) in charge of using that information for emissions’ estimates in the National Inventory Report
  • National Statistical Office (ISTAT) in charge of publishing the statistics on SDG indicators for Italy

    Calabria extends for 15.080 km2 in southern Italy with almost 2M inhabitants and very high seasonal fluctuations. Landscape is hilly to mountainous, with lowlands limited to the coastal plains. More than 40% of Calabria has natural forest cover (642’000 ha), reaching 670’000 ha if including plantation areas, and the province of Cosenza is the one with the highest share of forest cover (≈50%). Statistics from the globalforestwatch initiative show that from 2001 to 2022 Calabria lost 51,8 kha of tree cover. Around 43% of losses were in the Cosenza province, the one with the highest share of forest cover (≈50%). In the same period, forests in Calabria (Cosenza) emitted 0.92MtCO₂e/yr (0.43MtCO₂e/yr) and removed 6.21MtCO2e/yr (3.27MtCO2e/yr), with a net carbon flux of -5.29MtCO2e/yr (-2.84MtCO2e/yr); many changes are caused by fires, almost 20% (25%) along 2021-2022 and 25% (37%) of them in 2017.

    30 January 2025

    GHG Emissions from forest fires: Advancing on SDGs indicators monitoring, reporting and accounting








    The SDGs-EYES User Uptake Webinar “GHG Emissions from forest fires: Advancing on SDGs indicators monitoring, reporting and accounting” will provide a comprehensive exploration of this critical environmental issue, addressing its impact on climate and sustainability. This interactive session will delve into innovative Earth Observation (EO)-based methodologies for estimating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions caused by forest fires.

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    The SDGs-EYES project is funded by the European Union | Credits