The SDGs-EYES webinar “Eutrophication and acidification in the North Sea: Advancing on SDGs indicators monitoring, reporting and accounting” will provide an in-depth exploration of critical environmental challenges and solutions. This webinar highlights the innovative Copernicus-based tool delivering advanced mapping of SDG indicators for the North Sea, supporting local and European policy-making processes in sustainable marine resource management.
Participants will gain insights into the pilot‘s advanced tools and datasets, designed to enhance stakeholders’ understanding and response strategies to sustainable management of marine resources and ecosystems. The webinar will foster discussions on potential applications, align solutions with user needs, and encourage the adoption of the pilot’s outcomes to address real-world challenges.
Key Highlights:
- Advancing SDG14 – Life Below Water: Explore how the pilot contributes to monitoring and managing marine ecosystems, addressing eutrophication and acidification to promote the sustainable use of ocean resources.
- Innovative Marine Indicators: Learn how the Copernicus-based tools generate high-resolution maps of SDG14 indicators for the North Sea, supporting policy-making and sustainable management of vulnerable marine areas.
- Mitigating Anthropogenic Pressures: Understand how the pilot supports knowledge of the impacts of human activities, such as marine ecosystems changes under recent climate conditions, helping to safeguard biodiversity.
- Global Sustainability and Marine Protection: Discuss the role of this initiative in supporting global efforts to achieve SDG 14 targets and contribute to the post-2030 United Nations agenda for ocean health.
- Discuss the role of this pilot in supporting global efforts, as the United Nations shapes the post-2030 agenda to advance sustainability goals.
Preliminary Agenda
14:00 – 14:10: Welcome and Opening
14:10 – 14:30: Pilot Presentation & Overview Demo Session
14:30 – 15:10: Moderated discussion between Pilot representative, speakers from other communities, audience
15:10 – 15:40: Break Out Sessions
- Break out session 1: Hands-on technical demo of the pilot’s service to foster exploitation
- Break out session 2: Consultant insights on usability of the pilot’s service and related topics
15:45 – 16:00: Future steps, conclusions of the webinar
Contribute to the discussion on February 27th at 14:00 CET
We would highly appreciate your presence at the event.