Uncovering SDGs-EYES

SDGs-EYES is aimed at boosting the European capacity for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on Copernicus through building a portfolio of decision-making tools to monitor those SDGs indicators related to the environment from an inter-sectoral perspective, aligning with the EU Green Deal priorities and challenges.

SDGs-EYES exploits and combines data from Copernicus’s six core services to develop more accurate SDGs indicators.

In particular, the project will:

Facilitate access and increase usability of Earth Observation information

SDGs-EYES relies in the design and development of a scientific and technological framework to build robust, reliable and accurate indicators, aggregating and processing Earth Observation (EO) data provided by the European Union’s Copernicus’s six core services and the space and in-situ components.

Improve reliability, robustness and accuracy of SDG indicators

SDGs-EYES will demonstrate Copernicus-enhanced measurement for six SDGs goals indicators – from climate (SDG13), ocean (SDG14), land (SDG 15) – making them part of the 2021 assessment at EU level monitored by EUROSTAT.

A cross-goals indicator will be also formulated to explore the exposure of vulnerable communities under cumulative climate extreme.

Advance stakeholder capacity to deliver value to European society

SDGs-EYES aims to create a range of data products designed to simplify the tracking and reporting of specific SDGs.

These service-oriented products will be developed, showcased, and co-designed in collaboration with a community of users and dedicated stakeholders within five designated pilot areas.

Expected results

  • Improved end-users’ awareness and skills for effective and systematic use of geospatial and EO information increasingly available from Copernicus components.
  • Advanced SDGs indicators calculation approaches beyond the state-of-the-art, i.e., combining EO/geospatial data with cutting-edge information technologies.
  • Fully integrated scientific, technological and user engagement framework, built around the Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS).

Possible users

European and national Statistical Offices.

SatCen stakeholders e.g. Copernicus SESA Service (Copernicus Service on Support to EU External and Security Actions); the European Commission and other EU entities; international agencies (e.g. UN bodies); GEO SPACE-SECURITY Members.

Health decision makers and other local health stakeholders which want to embed climate information in their policies.

Environmental protection authorities; forest owners/managers; parks and protected areas managers; land/urban planners.

Scientists and researchers.

SDGs-EYES has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme for research and innovation under project number 101082311. | Legal | Credits