The SDGs-EYES Laboratory has been updated

The SDGs-EYES Laboratory has been updated

The SDGs-EYES Laboratory is the environment where scientists and experts can interact, develop new indicators and evaluate their effectiveness. The platform is always evolving, so the laboratory has to evolve accordingly. Following the updates of the SDG indicators,...
Testing the SDGs-EYES pilot products by the user community

Testing the SDGs-EYES pilot products by the user community

In the SDGs-EYES project an agile methodology is applied for the development of service products, closely engaging stakeholders. User consultation workshops have been organised in 2024 to reflect upon the products developed during the Research & Development Cycle...
SDGs-EYES at the HARMONIA project final event

SDGs-EYES at the HARMONIA project final event

On January 21, 2025, we will have the opportunity to bring the experience and point of view of SDGs-EYES to the External Feedback Panel held during the final presentation day of the HARMONIA project. This event represents an important opportunity for discussion...