The SDGs-EYES Laboratory is the environment where scientists and experts can interact, develop new indicators and evaluate their effectiveness. The platform is always evolving, so the laboratory has to evolve accordingly.
Following the updates of the SDG indicators, the laboratory has been upgraded to better guide the users in their access and exploitation. Six different indicators have been made available:
- Climate action (SDG13):
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Fires- Italy
- Extreme temperatures risk – City of Turin (Italy)
- Climate security – Sahel
- Life below water (SDG14)
- Eutrophication and acidification – North Sea
- Life on land (SDG15)
- Forest cover change – Romania
- Soil erosion by water – Romania
The laboratory permits exploring the code, tuning the parameters or creating new ones, and running it to retrieve the results: Access it and play with the new features!