14-May 2024 | 14:00-16:00 CEST – ONLINE
In overall terms, the UN SDGs have an intrinsic safety and security component, as they have been defined with the ambition of moving towards a better society in which safety and security of societies and citizens would be guaranteed.
Enhancing the capacity of relevant stakeholders to achieve the SDGs of relevance for security is one of the operating axes of SPACE-SECURITY, a Pilot Initiative within GEO dedicated to foster EO-based security related activities.
SPACE-SECURITY has been, since its early days, continuously looking at identifying synergies and at developing solutions to improve the safety and security of citizens and societies by exploiting EO data, collateral data and associated technologies, and the SDGs-EYES project will be a representative example of the know-how sharing within suitable partners.
This webinar aims at presenting use cases that address relevant SDGs in different domains interlinked with security (e.g. climate security, water security) to GEO members and beyond. The webinar is open to any interested actor working in these domains to foster dialogue among participants. During the webinar, the audience will have the possibility of providing feedback on the presented use cases.
The event is for free.
14:00-14:10 | Welcome and Introduction to the GEO SPACE-SECURITY Pilot Initiative
Sergio Albani (SatCen)
GEO SPACE-SECURITY Pilot Initiative leader
14:10-14:30 | The SDGs-EYES project and the climate security pilot
Michele Lazzarini (SatCen)
SDGs-EYES Project representative
14:30-15:00 | The GEO EO4SDG Initiative: EO Successes for Human Security
Corena Pincham (NASA), Dimitrios Mentis (World Resources Institute)
GEO EO4SDG Initiative representatives
15:00-15.15 | Loss and damage tracking and DesInventar
Iria Touzon Calle (UNDRR)
UN SDG indicator Custodians Agency
15:15-15.45 | Regional perspectives: AfriGEO and EuroGEO
Kenneth Kasera (AfriGEO Secretariat)
Jean Dusart (EC DG RTD/EuroGEO)
Open questions and final remarks